January 31, 2021

CEO Message: Your Opinion is Important Because Round Rock’s Future is Important

We are launching a survey and we are inviting all Chamber and Momentum investors to participate, as well as many additional community stakeholders. If you are reading this, yes – you are invited to please take a few minutes to take the survey here.

This effort is the first important step in a refresh of our highest-level strategic approach to economic development in Round Rock. We are performing this analysis with one of the leading consultants in the nation on strategic planning for economic development, Jay Garner Economics.

Jay and his team helped developed our current strategy in 2016 and 2017, which the Chamber and the City of Round Rock have used as an important map in planning and prioritizing our activities. This was before coronavirus, before Army Futures Command was announced, and before Kalahari Resorts & Conventions opened in Round Rock. Our community has changed in lasting and fundamental ways since 2016. We begin 2021 with a new Vice President for Economic Development, and a renewed interest by companies in coming to Central Texas. Updating this important plan seems appropriate.

This is why we are asking for your input and perspectives…again.

As we prepared to send out this survey, our leadership team noticed this is the third time we have solicited different groups of stakeholders for a survey in three months. That’s in addition to about a dozen smaller focus groups we have organized for different efforts in the past six months. Furthermore, back in April we coordinated a survey of over 700 businesses in partnership with other Williamson County chambers and economic development agencies.

So, you may be wondering – why all the surveys?

Our answer is simple: your perspectives are important. Your view of our community and the Chamber are foundation to any future efforts.

Unlike many survey efforts, we usually don’t use results to publish a report (with the exception of the coronavirus survey). Rather we take this information and pour over it and make program changes.

Often, we are looking for mutually held challenges – for example, a similar set of skills training needed by multiple employers or industries that is not currently available. At other times, we are simply seeking to understand the general state of business in Round Rock. Finally, we really need to understand your view of how effective this Chamber has been in serving your needs.

The essential point is this: without understanding the perspectives of business leaders we cannot develop a relevant and aggressive strategic plan to follow. We take your opinions seriously. They strongly influence the decisions we make.

So please, take a moment and fill out the survey here. It will only take  no more than ten minutes, but will provide lasting benefits to Round Rock for the next five years. Thank you!



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