Upcoming Career Information and Hiring Events

As we’re already halfway through 2023, there are continuing opportunities for learning about existing resources in the area and hiring opportunities available for your business to participate in to meet your workforce needs. For more information on upcoming events, see the information below:
TSTC Summer Showcase – Texas State Technical College (TSTC) invites you to attend their Summer Showcase on Thursday, July 20th from 4 – 7 p.m. at the East Williamson County Higher Education Center. Come learn about the technical programs that TSTC’s East Williamson County campus has to offer. Activities include a tour of our labs, including demonstrations, and insight provided from instructors and industry partners. Potential students, parents, employees, and employers are welcome to attend.
Please register and find additional information here.
National Intern Day with a Texas Twist Conference – The Texas Workforce Commission and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board is hosting the National Intern Day with a Texas Twist Conference on July 27th, 9:00am-3:30pm, located at the UT Thompson Center in Austin Texas.
Whether you’re a student looking to network or connect with internship opportunities, or an employer looking to expand your intern network, this FREE conference is for you! There’s an exciting agenda being planned to feature motivational speakers, networking opportunities, professional headshots, and more!
Register by clicking this link: National Intern Day Event_July 27!
Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area (WSRCA) Workforce Wednesdays Virtual Career Expo – Every Wednesday WSRCA hosts a virtual job fair for potential employers and employees. For more information, visit this link for the next event (July 19th).
WSRCA Hiring Event – WSRCA holds a monthly hiring event on the second Tuesday each month for a hiring event featuring employers from a wide range of industries. This next event will take place on August 8th. For more information, click here.
TWC Job Fairs – Please see the information for job fairs held state-wide through workforce development boards, both virtual and in-person: https://www.twc.texas.gov/job-fairs.
For more information on upcoming events and resources, please reach out to Zach Scott at zscott@roundrockchamber.org.
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