January 31, 2022

Summer Externship Program & More

The Round Rock Chamber is proud to once again partner with Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) to implement the Summer Externship Program, Coffee Connections, and Site Visits for 2022. As a refresher, please see the information below on each program:

Summer Externship Program:

The five-day externship program consists of a one-hour orientation meeting in mid-May (date TBD), three days on-site with a business in June or July, and a two hour-hour program celebration during the first week of August. We are requesting participation from chamber investors and other area employers in this exciting program to bolster our talent development efforts in the region. This year’s program is scheduled to place seventy-five (75) educators.

The externship program is a professional development opportunity for educators (teachers, counselors, and administrators). The experience and knowledge gained at partner businesses will be brought back to students in the classroom via educator-developed strategies that integrate what they learned during their time “in the field.” Participants will also share what they learned with their peers.  The goal is to match educators with employers in the teacher’s subject matter and/or a subject matter of interest.

Coffee Connections:

Coffee Connections is an opportunity for a speaker to present to a group of teachers in order to further connect educators with industry. These will all be virtual sessions and will be 1.5-hour meetings on each day the week of June 6-9 and July 25-28.  Participating partners will be interviewed (questions provided ahead), followed by Q&A with the teachers.

 Site Visits:

This will be a single day event that will allow Career & Technical Education teachers to visit a business site. This day is scheduled for August 3, 2022 and will be from 9:30 a.m. to noon (approximate).  Teachers will be bussed to your site, and you will be able to define the number of teachers you can accommodate, as well as any special restrictions. For example, your business may have specific clothing or shoe requirements, identification requirements, etc.


If you are interested in participating in any of these three programs, please complete this survey.

These programs are extremely beneficial in connecting educators with the trends that are happening in the business community, which they can then bring back to their students to influence the future generations of the workforce. If you are unable to commit to all three programs, please let us know which programs you can participate in so we can plan accordingly.

Please note that we are using this information to gauge interest for each program and it is not a commitment to participate. As we work with interested educators we will be reaching out and will connect interested participants with as many businesses as we can. If we are not able to find a match we will be sure to let you know as soon as we can.

If you have any questions, please contact Zach Scott, Director of Workforce and Industry Development.

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