February 24, 2020

Round Rock Chamber’s Leadership Round Rock Program Kicks Off 34th Year

Chamber Investors –

Last month we kicked off the 34th class of Leadership Round Rock. That’s right, for over three decades the Chamber’s community education and engagement program has been connecting new and young leaders to the institutions and organizations that drive your community.

Twenty-five business and community leaders are part of this year’s program. I got to meet all of them along with Mayor Morgan last week to talk about the future of our community and the city’s and Chamber’s role in shaping that future. We expect big things from this group, just as Round Rock has expected big things from previous classes. And we haven’t been disappointed – because participating in Leadership Round Rock comes with an expectation too; that you get involved with your community after graduation.

Past Leadership Round Rock graduates have moved on to lead non-profit boards, run for elected offices, and guide Round Rock through good and bad times. Mayor Morgan told this year’s class that Leadership Round Rock marked the beginning of his journey into public service in Round Rock. Leadership Round Rock doesn’t get people into office or get them elected – but often is sparks their own interests and provides participants with additional understanding and contacts to get started.

Throughout the course, each class studies the history of our city, the role of the Chamber in that history, non-profit organizations, K-12 and higher education, public safety, policy, and more. Graduates leave with an extensive understanding of the businesses, governments, and institutions that provide opportunity for all of us in Round Rock.

However, a particular point of pride for most graduates I speak with is the non-profit fundraising that gets accomplished. Each year the class selects a class project in support of a local, public benefit, non-profit organization – working in partnership with the Greater Round Rock Community Foundation. Past classes have raised $15,000 or even $80,000 for specific causes, depending on the project selected. It’s real community impact, even before they get to graduation.

Twenty-seven serve on the Leadership Round Rock planning committee, one of the strongest committees in our Chamber. This group includes business leaders as well as two Round Rock city council members and two department directors for the City of Round Rock. This is a statistic that I believe all Chamber investors should be proud of. In a city our size, and for a Chamber as large as we are, it is simply unheard of to have this degree of support and engagement from our City and its leadership. We are fortunate to live in Round Rock not only because of the great quality of life we can have here, but because in Round Rock we are all in it together.



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