July 22, 2020

Round Rock Chamber Supports Inclusion of MFAR Transparency Act in COVID Phase 4 Legislation

The Round Rock Chamber signed on to a letter to Senator Cornyn and a letter to Senator Cruz urging them to support the inclusion of the MFAR Transparency Act in the COVID-19 phase 4 legislation.

The Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation (MFAR) is an unprecedented attempt by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to fundamentally reshape the Medicaid program across the nation. Should the regulation be finalized, it would jeopardize the $11 billion in annual payments that Texas hospitals rely upon to offset chronic Medicaid underpayment and uncompensated care.  This rule is set to be finalized in September 2020.

HR 7606, the MFAR Transparency Act, introduced by Representatives Roger Williams and Eddie Bernice Johnson, would delay the implementation of MFAR by directing the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a study on the financial impacts the rule would have on each state. It will also identify what is actually needed in the way of reporting to increase transparency while complying with regulations pertaining to Medicaid. Lastly, this bill would keep the HHS from finalizing MFAR without Congressional authorization.  This will affect hospitals all across the state – urban and rural.

The following organizations are also working this issue:

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP), Private Essential Access Community Hospitals (PEACH), National Alliance of Safety-Net Hospitals (NASH), National Rural Health Association (NRHA),Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals (TORCH), Texas Hospital Association (THA), Children’s Hospital Association of Texas (CHAT), NewLight Healthcare, Baylor Scott & White, Goodall- Witcher, Texas Essential Healthcare Partnerships (TEHP), Teaching Hospitals of Texas (THOT), Texas Council of Community Centers, Ascension Texas

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