CEO Message: Economic Development in Round Rock. Building on decades of momentum.
Most business leaders involved in the community – and hence most who will read this article – well know that our city’s past successes in economic growth have led to so much opportunity for the community, and the people and families that live here. Because of economic growth the city can provide more amenities and services while assessing one of the lowest property tax rates in all of Texas. More jobs have been available here to individuals and families to pursue their professional dreams in Round Rock. Strong school systems and post-secondary education provided an excellent career preparation for children raised in Round Rock, in a city that they could return to raise their own families.
This story is well known and understood in Round Rock. However, it is worth remembering that the past thirty years of economic expansion did not happen by accident. This growth was most certainly led by the private sector but was not left entirely up to the “free hand of the market”. Rather, past community and business leaders established specific economic development plans, policies, and programs to influence business to come to Round Rock instead of anywhere else in the nation. But for their past vision and determination, the present we all enjoy would offer less of the benefits we all enjoy.
This week is an important week for the future of Round Rock. The Chamber is initiating another “step” in this process, which we believe will continue this growth into the next decade and beyond. Because of it’s importance, I’m inviting you to the launch of the Momentum 5 Campaign at the Woodbine Mansion in downtown Round Rock, this Tuesday, October 26 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
We will be announcing the next phase of the Momentum program – the public-private sector partnership that leads economic development in Round Rock. You are invited, because economic development is important for everyone in our community, and we are excited about our plans.
Momentum is a five-year economic development strategy that aims to create jobs and wealth for the Round Rock community. Through the Momentum program, the chamber assisted in sixty-five new or existing businesses from 2012 through 2019. Those projects will generate $3.3 billion annual economic impact. You can learn more about past achievements in the 2020 annual report, and the 2019 economic impact assessment developed by Impact DataSource.
If you cannot attend the event but are interested in learning more, go here to see the program summary and brochure. Are you part of a civic group with community leaders that want to know more? We’d love to speak with you. To talk with a member of our team about any opportunities or questions you might have, please just email us at . A member of our team will respond quickly to address your inquiry.
Economic development is everyone’s business. We all have a stake in the economic health of the community. Whether you are an average taxpayer or homeowner, an entrepreneur pursuing your career, a parent seeking opportunities for your family, or just someone looking for the next opportunity in your career – our program is working to offer new and diverse pathways to success.
We have good reason to be excited about the economic future for Central Texas, and for Round Rock specifically. Please join us to learn more about how we do this in Round Rock.
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