Upcoming Career and Job Fairs – March and April 2025

There are continuing opportunities for learning about existing resources in the area and hiring opportunities available for your business to participate in to meet your workforce needs. For more information on upcoming events, see the information below.
Westwood High School Engineering Career Fair: Westwood High School is holding an Engineering Career Fair on March 28th, 2025 from 9:10am – 11am. If you are an engineering firm, especially involved in mechanical engineering, and would like to participate, please complete the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEfwXVqBH4n2tyUX5PQLbzyn2Mi6mAzA49xO_-Zy04DDNQnw/viewform.
Meridian School 3rd Annual Arts and Science Fest: Occurring on Saturday, April 5 from 10am – 1pm, this event gives applicable businesses to provide live performances, interactive exhibits, and presentations to Meridian students and families. For more information on the event, see the following link: https://www.mwschool.org/apps/pages/artscience.
Round Rock High School Job Fair: RRHS is holding a career fair for local employers looking to share information to their students for immediate employment, summer employment and summer internship opportunities. The event will take place on April 3rd from 9am – 2pm.
For more information on any of these upcoming events or if you would like to participate in any of these initiatives, please reach out to Zach Scott, Director of Workforce and Industry Development, at zscott@roundrockchamber.org.
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