Small Business Spotlight: No Time for Social
In honor of Small Business Week, we will be celebrating and highlighting local small businesses and entrepreneurs throughout the week. Today we are highlighting No Time for Social.
Bill, the President and CEO of No Time for Social, shares with us the motivation for his business, hurdles he overcame, and other advice for entrepreneurs just starting out.
Describe the concept for your business and what motivated your idea.
The concept of No Time for Social came about by accident. I was running another start-up in Round Rock and decided to pivot to digital marketing based on the needs of a lot of previous roofing clients needing help with their Facebook ads. Thus – No Time for Social was created. Since then we have served over 250 clients in our 8+ years in existence.
What was one hurdle you had to overcome?
Funding and initial cash flow is always tough for a new start-up. We were lucky enough for two things to fall into place – one was a line of credit from Chase bank and the other was an investor (that was previously a competitor to my other company) that provided start-up funding for a small portion of ownership in the company.
What do you attribute to your success?
I think my best attribute to success is my relentless focus on being successful. With the right mindset, you can accomplish anything and even through many ups and downs such as COVID and a few others, I have been able to keep the train moving forward. You also cannot be successful without a solid team. I have the best manager I could ask for and we work very well as a team to accomplish all of our goals. Lastly, your customers. Without them, you cannot be successful. So make the customer a priority!
What would be one piece of advice to someone just starting out?
To never get discouraged and give up. If you have the mindset of success and a good head on your shoulders as well as a great business idea, you can and will make it happen. There is a good portion of businesses that fail after years one through three. Get to year five and that becomes less of an issue. If you stay the course and have great mentors by your side you will make it happen.
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