September 21, 2023

RRISD Adulting 101

Thanks to input from local businesses, Round Rock ISD Libraries are launching Adulting 101 programs at high school campuses throughout the district. Adulting 101 sessions are focused on preparing students for life outside the classroom and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to tackle a broad range of tasks from submitting their taxes, to changing a tire, to shopping for and cooking healthy meals.

RRISD Libraries are looking to connect with professionals from the community that are interested in providing valuable real life experiences and information to high school students. Sessions are about 30 minutes, and scheduling is flexible! The Adulting 101 general topics that have been identified for this year include but are not limited to:

  • Personal Management (organization, goal setting, interview skills)
  • Self-Care (mental health, stress management, relationship skills)
  • Personal Finance (budgeting, taxes, loans, credit)
  • How-Tos (cooking, car care, home maintenance)

If you are interested in partnering with Round Rock ISD Libraries to present as part of the Adulting 101 program, please reach out to Zach Scott, Director of Workforce and Industry Development, at to get you connected.

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