June 26, 2020

Message from our Board Chair, Scott Swindell: Please Wear Masks

Dear Chamber Investor and Round Rock Stakeholder,

I am writing to you today with an important request. If your business is not currently fully implementing the use of social distancing and the wearing of masks by employees and customers, please do so now.

The Chamber is encouraging all Round Rock businesses, as well as all community members, to follow the guidelines from both the CDC and the State of Texas regarding social distancing and the use of masks to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus while we continue to keep our businesses open and running. Doing so now can keep us all safer and can hopefully prevent our state leaders from implementing more stringent limitations on business activities in the future.

Following the implementation of the Open Texas plan, state leaders predicted coronavirus cases could increase as people returned to public activities. That has been the case, and unfortunately, we have seen a substantial rise in the number of coronavirus cases statewide in the past two weeks. City and county leaders continue to monitor these increases and related hospitalization trends carefully.

We know that masks and social distancing work to slow the spread of the virus. The track record of other cities demonstrates that coronavirus spread can be mitigated, and businesses can remain open, where masks and social distancing have been widely accepted. We have every reason to expect a similar effort here would be successful also.

The City of Round Rock has initiated the “Round Here We Rock a Mask” campaign to encourage mask use. We join the city in encouraging all businesses to post one of the flyers linked below.

Download flyer – “PLEASE WEAR A MASK”

Download flyer – “Wear a Mask Y’all”

Download flyer – “MASK REQUIRED”

Download flyer – “Please wear a mask” (Spanish)

Download flyer – “Mask Required” (Spanish)


It is our job at the Round Rock Chamber to do all that we can to help businesses prosper and keep the economic environment healthy in Round Rock. That is why we are making this request. We believe that in doing this now we can avoid taking a step backward and continue moving forward in getting back to the strong economy that we have so long enjoyed here in Round Rock while demonstrating our commitment to the safety of everyone in our community.

Thank you,

Scott Swindell
2020 Chair of the Board

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