August 14, 2020

CEO Message: What’s your favorite spot in town?

This message is about another election in 2020…but please don’t stop reading now!

The Chamber of Commerce does not endorse candidates for any office, but I am writing to ask for your vote. Let me elaborate:

Recently an acquaintance visited the area and we had a familiar conversation: “Where should I go to eat?” We do this frequently when traveling for business or for fun. It’s our way to understand quickly what the unique and authentic options are when in unfamiliar places. What we eat and where is an important foundation to building community and making human connections with our friends and family.

Perhaps that’s why we take so much pride in our local restaurants. We love to be the ambassadors to our community when people we care about are visiting. Need to impress a potential client? Take them to a great dinner. Parents visiting form out of state? Visit your favorite local barbeque place that most people don’t even know about. What we are really sharing is an experience we believe to be special about our own community. A small part of our local culture.

Of course, this year has been so different for the bars and restaurants that we love to tell others about. Following emergency declarations and mandatory shutdowns, our favorite places need us.

This is why we’ve launched a new version of the Taste of Round Rock. Because we love to tell people about Round Rock’s amazing restaurants too. We just have to do it differently this year. We’ve turned what used to be a one-day event that brings over 1,000 people together to sample Round Rock’s local food vendors, into a month-long restaurant tour and celebration.

The 2020 Taste of Round Rock an eBook full of digital vouchers that you can redeem throughout all of September to visit area restaurants. The value of the coupon books are over $125, making the investment of $25 to get one a great deal. *Yes, you can fully participate and still be socially distant and safe.

The most important thing this year is your participation though. Please click the link above and support the over twenty-five restaurants that are participating. And if you don’t do that, then at least make an order from them.

Most restaurants are the product of vision and years of hard work from an entrepreneur. Behind those perfect ribs, awesome queso, strong drinks, and secret hamburger recipes are individuals and families that have put their futures into making the kind of customer experience that people want to brag about.

In this season of voting, we need to vote with our feet and our dollars. When we frequent these establishments, we are voting for them to stay and grow with our community. In return, we get the kind of city where people can establish their dreams and make Round Rock even better.

Please, cast your “vote” for the restaurants you love in Round Rock. Thank you.



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